REFI manages a collection of ever-changing new and used materials and equipment in a depot warehouse. RCPS staff members may select items for use in the classroom with the students. Some items are donated and some are purchased by REFI. The building was funded to RCPS through REFI and is located directly behind the RCPS Central Office Building at 100 Mount Clinton Pike in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Individuals and companies may make donations to the depot.
Items may be delivered to the Teacher Supply Depot located behind 100 Mt. Clinton Pike in Harrisonburg, Va.
The supply depot is located in the warehouse building behind the school office.
Teacher Supply Depot will be open on the following upcoming dates and can accept donations at that time:
Wed., Feb 5| 3:30-5:00pm
Thurs., Feb 13| 3:30-5:00pm
Thurs., Feb 20| 3:30-5:00pm
Thurs., Feb 27| 3:30-5:00pm
The supply depot is located in the warehouse building behind the school office.
Teacher Supply Depot will be open on the following upcoming dates and can accept donations at that time:
Wed., Feb 5| 3:30-5:00pm
Thurs., Feb 13| 3:30-5:00pm
Thurs., Feb 20| 3:30-5:00pm
Thurs., Feb 27| 3:30-5:00pm
Donation Items We Are NOT Currently Accepting:
Binders larger than 1"
Hanging File Folders
Hanging File Folders
Donation Items the Depot Will Accept:
(Items in RED are of the most requested items)
2-pocket portfolios
3"x3" cardboard Alphabet Letters Baby Items Bath Items Batteries (D & 6 volt) Birthday hats, plates, etc. Blank notebooks Blankets Books Book Ends Bags, gift, paper Bookcases Brads Building Supplies Buttons Card Racks Cardstock Paper Ceramic Tiles Clipboards Computer Paper Construction Paper Cotton Balls Craft Items Crayons Desk Calendars Drink cups w/lids Dry Erase Markers Envelopes Erasers Eye Droppers Fabric Paints Fabric Samples Fabric Scraps |
Folders with brads File Cabinets Foam Trays Foam board Foam Shapes Folders Furniture (classroom & office) Gel Pens Glitter Glue Glue Sticks Graduated Cylinders Graph Paper Highlighters Ice Cream Cups Index Cards Keys Kid's Meals Toys Kitchen Items Large Rolls Paper Legal Pads Magazines/Protectors Magnetic Signs Magnets Maps Markers Masking Tape Mouse Pads Newsprint Paper Notebook Paper Notebooks Paperclips Pencils |
Petri Dishes
Pictures, videos, books of different cultures Phones Play Money Portion Cups Poster Board Potting Soil Puppets Push Pins Q-Tips Quarts of Paint Rug Squares Rulers Sand Sandpaper Scissors (kids & adult) Seasonal Decorations Sewing Items Shelving Shipping Boxes Small spiral notebooks Staples Stuffed Animals (small to medium) Tape Test Tubes Tools Toys (animals) T-Shirts Unaddressed envelopes Wallpaper Sample Books Wiggle Eyes X-stitch Fabric |
Outside of listed dates above, you must contact us before coming to the depot.
To schedule a donation time outside of our regular Depot hours, please fill out our form below.
To schedule a donation time outside of our regular Depot hours, please fill out our form below.